FOUR ‘On Camp with Kelly’ athletes and their coaches have been recognised with Achievement Awards at The Daily Telegraph and Norwich Union School Sport Matters Awards Ceremony at Twickenham.

The awards were made to the four who competed at the IAAF World Junior Championships in Poland in July.

Blackburn Harriers Alison Leonard and her coach Arthur Almond, who were unfortunately unable to attend the ceremony, were recognised with Excellent Achievement and Coaching Achievement Awards.

Alison only narrowly missed out on a medal when she finished fourth in the 800m at the World Juniors.

The time she ran in the final of 2:02.15 places her seventh on the UK Under 20s all-time rankings and sixth on the 2008 World Under 20 rankings.

She also won the 800m at the England Athletics Under 20 Championships. Honoured with Alison were Emma Pallant, David Forrester and Chris Smith, with their coaches.

Pallant’s coach Mick Woods was also named as the ‘On Camp with Kelly’ Coach of the Year for his work with the Aldershot club.

Among his charges is the Pendle athlete Ben Lindsay, also a member of the OCWK elite squad.

Dame Kelly said: “This is the second year that we have recognised ‘On Camp with Kelly’ athletes with Achievement Awards and this year we are also making awards to coaches for the first time. The majority of coaches give up their own personal time to help the athletes be the best they can be and it is important that their efforts are recognised.

“All four athletes who received awards had excellent seasons and they would not have been able to achieve what they have without the support of their coaches and families and the investment of Norwich Union into the ‘On Camp with Kelly’ initiative.”