TODMORDEN officials are hoping the dreadful weather will break and that the sun will shine on Centre Vale for the next four days to allow Lancashire to take to the field.

The Red Rose seconds are due in action at Todmorden today in a one day clash with Nottinghamshire before facing Notts in a three-day game starting tomorrow.

But the entire weekend was washed out and the rain continued to pour yesterday meaning a headache for the Todmorden groundstaff.

And chairman Tony Gledhill is keeping his fingers crossed that the weather will relent ahead of four popular days of cricket.

Todmorden also play host to Yorkshire seconds on an annual basis – but the White Rose only played one game at Centre Vale this year meaning the four days of Red Rose action is a big deal.

“We are hoping for the best,” said Gledhill. “As well as the income to the club from a big crowd, the county seconds raise the profile of the whole league and we could do with a weather break.

“It’s a big thing this year because we only had one day of Yorkshire. There were a lot of people on for that and we would have hoped for the same this week.

“It is prestigious and it is important for the club and we really want the sun to shine.”

Much hard work has been carried out at Centre Vale ahead of the cricket but Gledhill said: “We have an excellent groundstaff at the club and they have all been pretty much involved with the work ever since we started to get the county games so it is a well-oiled operation.

“Everyone knows what they are doing – but it is still a lot of hard work and a great shame if the weather ruins it.

“The forecast for Wednesday and Thursday is better and I am just hoping we can get a bit of sun and a good crowd on.”

Today’s one day match with Nottinghamshire is due to start at noon with play in the Second XI Championship clash scheduled to begin at 11am on each of the three days.