Burnley College Basketball Academy has won the British Colleges Sport North West Men’s Performance League.

The sixth form centre team, playing its first season as an Academy side, won all eight games, scoring 523 points and conceding just 202.

Burnley beat reigning champions Runshaw College 76-20 in their first ever game on their march to the the title.

They also finished as runners-up in the North West Cup, losing to Loretto College in Manchester.

Burnley are coached by six foot nine inch Malcolm Leak, who played in a professional summer league with Magic Johnson and made the last cut for NBA side the LA Clippers.

A number of the players are hoping to secure Basketball scholarships with American universities after completing their advanced level studies at Burnley College Sixth Form Centre.

Burnley College Sixth Form Centre Programme Leader for Sport, Brad Pates said: “The Academy has had an outstanding first season and their success is down to hard work and commitment.

“They train at 7am each day and then again after their academic studies at 4pm. We have a lot of good players – some of whom have moved to the area to be involved in the Academy and a number of them are determined to pursue careers as professionals.”