ENGLAND fans are livid about the goal that, according to the officials, wasn’t.

They were certainly right to be as well. How could they have missed it?

The referee and linesman need a trip to Specsavers to put that in order. But, saying that, if it had have been allowed it would have made it 2-2 and that would have been an injustice because I thought Germany should have been four-up at that stage.

Wasn’t there a similar incident in 1966? On that occasion the linesman said it was a goal, but I was behind that net and still say it wasn’t.

Sepp Blatter would not entertain the technology which they use in Rugby League, Rugby Union and tennis. How did he feel when the pundits savaged him for not introducing it? Maybe he will do something now.

Anyway, you all know I’m Irish and that’s British and I feel England are so far behind in the art of football and will only go further behind unless the foreign players are stopped from coming into the Premier League.

Not completely, just enough so the youngsters in the Academies can get a chance to play first team football.

On Sunday the national side was diabolical, they looked like a team of misfits and defensively the worst I’ve seen to wear the Three Lions.

But, enough of England now. My missus is really glad because she can have Coronation St and Emmerdale back on!