Chorley motor racing driver Chris Hodgen enjoyed his second race win of the season at last weekend's British Formula 4 Championship round at the Thruxton circuit in Hampshire.

A dramatic finish saw Chris, of Tormore Close, Chorley win the race, in his Van Diemen FF2000 car, by six seconds His latest win came just two weeks after his team enjoyed its maiden F4 victory at Donnington Park.

He said: "Thruxton is the UK's fastest circuit so I was pleased as punch to win.

"I am sure it was a great race to watch as I was struggling for top speed down the back straight when I was in second place and I think I left it just right at the last corner!"

Chris, 31, has been racing for four years since forming his own Absolute Racing team along with team manager Scott Preston and engineer Barclay Danaher.

He is currently third in the F4 drivers' championship after three of the 14 rounds. He said: "I am hoping to win it this year. In previous years I have been hampered by lack of finances and have been unable to complete a season but it should be different this time.

"I suffered a setback in the second race when I took a bash but two wins out of three is a good start.

Chris finances his own team but is looking for further sponsorship.

If you are interested call Chris on 01204 669566.