DECLAN Bailey got a real kick out of meeting his hero.

The youngster, a five-times British and seven time world kick-boxing champion at his weight, met up with boxing champ Ricky Hatton in Manchester recently.

Declan, 12, from Rossendale, queued for two hours with his brother Joshua at the Trafford Centre to have his picture taken with the light welterweight world champion.

The pupil from St Theodore's School in Burnley said: "I got my boxing gloves signed by Ricky. I've always liked him because he's one of the lads and likes to go to watch football and have a drink.

"He's not big-headed. He's just from a normal background like me. I only wish I could have spoken to him for a bit longer. He could have given me a lot of advice."

Declan trains at Alfs Blackbelt Academy in Stacksteads.

He was born partially deaf and has worn a hearing aid since he was a baby. But that disability has never stopped him.

He has travelled the world in his quest for honours, and has landed dozens of medals in places such as Ireland, Switzerland and Canada.

Coach Alf Love said: "Kick-boxing is quite an expensive sport to compete in if you are entering competitions.

"If anyone can help by sponsoring one of the children, please contact the club."