SAM Allardyce completed his first full week back at work today after undergoing heart surgery and said he was nearing a full recovery from the operation.

”I’m fine, I’m feeling good,” Allardyce said.

”Day by day I’m getting a little better and I’m looking forward to a complete recovery which will be in a week or two, I hope.

”It’s been a build-up of the years of doing this type of job and the way that I particularly live because of the job.

”I consider myself very lucky. The main thing was that we got it early and we got it before I suffered a heart attack, which was obviously going to be very close in the near future if I didn’t have it seen to.

”I don’t think I will take more time off. You manage the stresses and strains of the Premier League as time goes by and as you get more experienced, you manage it better.

”You use your experience to make sure you don’t stress yourself as much as you did in your younger days.”

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