PAUL Ince believes the advent of a European Super League could provide a much-needed kiss of life to an ailing Premier League – admit-ting the disappearance of the top four could be good for the game.

Luiz Felipe Scolari’s multi-million pound Chelsea stars arrive at Ewood on Sunday well in the hunt for the Premier League crown, but a frustrated Rovers boss fears the dominance of the rich is turning everyone else into also-rans.

The prospect of the loss of Manchester United, Chelsea, Arsenal and Liverpool to a European League has been seen by many as an axe hanging over English football’s future.

Ince, though, offered a different perspective on a revolutionary new concept, insisting the Premier League could be better off without the game’s glamour boys.

While threats of a breakaway have quietened down in recent months, the advent of a European Super League is never far away from the agenda, and Ince believes an elite revolution is only a matter of time.

He said: “The gap will always grow between the big four and the rest because they have more money than anyone else and the top players will keep going to them.

“The only way to change it is if you see a European Super league and leave us guys to fight it out between ourselves.

“I think it is something people might start looking at.

“The way things are going, the top four are just beating teams by five or six. Something has to happen sooner than later.

“You don’t want it to be like Scotland, where you just have Rangers and Celtic and that is it. You want everyone able to compete.

“In this Premier League now, you know there are only four teams who can win the league. That is not what anyone wants.”

While Ince fears competing with the best on a consistent basis is virtually impossible for Rovers, he is not about to write his side off in a one-off clash.

Despite going into Sunday’s clash without a win in five games, Ince insists Frank Lampard and co are not unbeatable.

“We will believe though,” he said. “If Hull can beat Arsenal and score three goals against Manchester United, then why not?

“We have to concentrate on playing one of the best teams in the world and coming away with something from the game.

“Not everyone has got £100million where you can buy world class players. Sometimes you have to rely on work ethic and getting in people’s faces to get results against the big sides.

“You know you are not going to get four or five chances against the top four. When they do come along it is important we take it.”

Having already slipped to convincing defeats against Arsenal and Manchester United at Ewood already this campaign though, Ince is under no illusion how tough a task is ahead.

He warns Chelsea are even tougher than they have been in the past as well, with Scolari bringing a brand of entertainment to Stamford Bridge.

He said: “Scolari has taken them to another level, where they are playing Manchester Unitedesque type of football and that makes them twice as hard to beat.

“The title chase will be close. Chelsea have changed as a team and the players seem to enjoy the style they are playing at.

“They haven’t changed their formation but they seem to have a bit more freedom with Deco in there to play the way we like to see football played.

“We just have to hope they have an off day and we play ever so well and, with a bit of lady luck, get a result.”