DIFFERENT day, same old Arsene Wenger.

As the world beckoned a new dawn as Barack Obama became the first black president of the United States of America, it's comforting to know that Wenger still seems bitter and twisted.

Never one to take a defeat lightly, he accused Stoke City of trying to deliberately injure his players in the 2-1 defeat on Saturday in his latest exhibition of scapegoatery.

Wenger, seemingly, has long held the belief that teams should lie down and let the Gunners pass them off the park rather than get in their faces and put them under pressure.

Stoke were hard in the tackle, but they also worked hard on Saturday and showed up Arsenal's glaring deficiencies at the back.

Wenger, or Whinger as he should now be known, should be ashamed of himself. His comments were not only demeaning but they were potentially libellous.

It was probably just a ploy to try and take the pressure off his team but that's no excuse.

His team just aren't as good as he thinks they are.

At least Blackburn fans will be happy. Under Mark Hughes, it used to be Rovers who were accused of being Bully Boys.

Now there's two names in Wenger's bad books.