STEPHEN Warnock admits Brad Friedel is the last person a goal-shy Rovers want to see in front of them for tonight’s trip to Aston Villa.

The former Rovers goalkeeper has been carrying on at Villa Park where he left off in Lancashire and Warnock knows he will prove a tough barrier to breach.

Just one goal from the last three games has seen Rovers fail to convert good displays into points and Warnock knows they need to be firing on all cylinders to get one over their former team mate.

Friedel left Ewood Park for Villa this summer after eight years at the club and, as they come face-to-face for the first time since, Warnock is expecting no favours.

He said: “He’s a fantastic goalkeeper. The lads were sad to see him leave but he was a fantastic servant to this club and we’re looking forward to seeing him.

“We’d love to put a couple past him, but we know only too well how good he is and how difficult that will be.

“We’re finding goals hard to come by at the moment but this would be a nice time to start putting them away.

“Brad hasn’t got anything to prove to anybody at this club but he’s such a professional, he wants to be the best in every single game and it’ll be no different against us.

“I’ve seen a few of the games, the European ones, he’s done well but his ability is never in doubt.

“He can go in and slot into place straight away very easily because he’s so professional.”

While full of praise for his former goalkeeper, Warnock insists his gloves have been more than filled by the signing of Paul Robinson from Spurs.

“I wouldn’t say we have missed him that much because Robbo has been loud and communicative and that’s a great thing to have as a defender,” said Warnock.

“It keeps you on your toes all the time. He’s been England’s number one for a good few years and you don’t get to be that for no reason.

“You’ve got to have something about you and Robbo has. He’s a great character around the place and he’s fitted in fantastic.”

“He nearly scored as well against Middlesbrough. If Benni had missed it Robbo would have scored I think. He just decided to come up in the end.”