AS the shops get into Christmas over-drive, it's great to see Tottenham getting into the festive mood.

They're quickly becoming a pantomime and the majority of the country is loving it.

After a summer of comings and goings, involving vast sums of money, Juande Ramos' side are rock bottom with just two points.

And their latest defeat was pure theatre.

Two red cards, two penalties a man taken to hospital. 111 minutes of action.

Ramos' reputation is being dented with every passing game and he's becoming the Widow Twanky of the Premier League.

And most Rovers fans will agree that the part of Wishy Washy would be expertly filled by David Bentley.

After engineering his own move out of Ewood, he boasted about challenging for the Champions League places, furthing his international career blah, blah, blah.

But now he now finds himself out of the England side, struggling to get into a struggling team and can only look up enviously at his former team.

I wonder what lies instore next for the boys from the Lane? Tottenham fans will hope there's a genie in their future!