The Rams harvested 18 points in August to lead the table prior to the game at Longridge. The only blemish coming with the disappointing reverse at Colne, writes Charley Rattan.

Any team wishing to be in the mix come the end of the season must perform away from home, the chance to see whether Rams are the real deal.

Rams dominated early on with a series of attacks in the opening. Maine Walder fired in a corner which swirled against the crossbar before Radcliffe shot hard against the post.

The early onslaught continued as Wilson’s long range free kick as spectacularly pushed around the post. It was only a matter of time before the Rams broke through and this did eventually happen after 11 minutes. Another in-swinging corner saw Radcliffe attack the in the box to head to the delight of a healthy Rams contingent.

The Rams lead at the break was deserved and early in the second half came the chance to kill the contest

Luke Sefton reacted as a Rams corner wasn’t properly cleared to shoots low and to see the effort cleared off the goal line.They were soon to rue the missed chance. Longridge had a corner which wasn’t properly cleared. The Ram seemed hesitant to close to the danger as the ball was recycled, before a low, hard shot was smashed past Rose for the equaliser. Worse was to follow for the Rams, they began to lose a rhythm. Panic started to set in as gaps started to appear in defence as a series of long-range hoofed clearances left the Rams faithful frustrated and increasingly despondent.

Ram’s best chances were reduced to isolated raids, with Andy Teague’s effort from a corner coming back off the line. Longridge with their short passing game, well adapted to the swirling conditions, were wresting control. It was no surprise when they took the lead on with a firm header from a good cross, beating Rose with a quarter of an hour remaining.

Deep into injury time, Rose, dependable all season, charged out to clear. Unfortunately, he shinned it and the ball steepled high into the air, before it looped back leaving Longridge’s Anderton the simple task of knocking the ball into the net for 3-1.

Rammy make the short trip to Padiham this evening.