John Eustace has a few selection dilemmas for his first East Lancs derby as Blackburn Rovers travel to Burnley.

The Rovers head coach is unlikely to throw any of his new faces straight into the firing line, unless necessary. Owen Beck is perhaps the most plausible, depending on the fitness of Harry Pickering.

Aynsley Pears will be in goal. Baclazs Toth was waiting on international clearance to dictate whether he could play, though he'd only be on the bench at best. The new Hungarian goalkeeper trained with his team-mates on Friday morning but will join up with the national team during this international break.

At the back, Callum Brittain, Hayden Carter and Dom Hyam will all play. The question marks are around the availability of Pickering and Danny Batth. It was a minor back spasm that saw the left-back replaced and I don't see Eustace being keen on throwing Beck in for his debut in this setting.

In midfield, we know it will be Sondre Tronstad and Lewis Travis patrolling in front of the defence. Lewis Baker is likely to be on the bench with John Buckley.

In attack, Ryan Hedges will play from the left and Tyrhys Dolan off the right. Despite not producing his best performance in central midfield against Blackpool, I think Joe Rankin-Costello will stay on the right.

Then up front, it's between the two nines. I think Makhtar Gueye is the pick here. His stature, athleticism and mobility could be crucial to get Rovers up the pitch.

That would be one alteration from the league win over Oxford United. Ultimately, I don't think those that featured in midweek did enough to force drastic changes to what's worked so far for Rovers.

Predicted Blackburn Rovers team: Pears; Brittain, Carter, Hyam, Pickering; Travis, Tronstad; Rankin-Costello, Dolan, Hedges; Gueye.