John Eustace wants Sam Szmodics' future resolved as soon as possible with uncertainty still surrounding Blackburn Rovers' star man.

The 28-year-old has been the subject of intense interest from Ipswich Town. The clubs have been in dialogue for at least three weeks and yet a fee is still yet to be agreed.

That has seen Szmodics absent from Rovers' last three pre-season matches and leaves both the player and the club in limbo.

Eustace admits it's been a frustrating period and, ideally, would like there to be a point where Rovers draw a line in the sand.


"It's very important that we get this sorted with Sammie, one way or the other," Eustace said.

"We want him to stay at the football club, he's a terrific player. He's one of the best players in the Championship and if we can keep him, it'll be fantastic.

"It's important that we sort his future out as quickly as we can because it's not fair on the lad and it's not fair on the club.

"I'm surprised that nothing has been done. It is a bit frustrating but we have to get it sorted one way or the other.

"It has been disruptive but it's out of my hands, I can't do much about it. We get on with it, we have a great squad of players that can come in and fill different positions if they're needed. There are no issues. 

"Yes (I'd like to draw a line in the sand) but again that's out of my hands. That is up to the club, they're talking and they're in charge of the money side. My job is to coach the team."

Szmodics looks unlikely to be involved on Friday night against Derby County, though Eustace stopped short of ruling him out.

The forward has partially trained over this period of speculation but is not match sharp or 100% ready.

"Sammie is short of match fitness, he hasn't been in any of the pre-season games really," he added.

"He hasn't been training with the group as much as he'd want to either because of all the different things going on. He is short of match fitness.

"We'll have to wait and see. What I will say is that he's a fantastic professional and when called upon, he'll be 100% committed and ready to go.

"Sam is a top, top player at this level. Would we like him in the starting XI? Of course, we would. Eventually, that might happen.

"At the moment, he hasn't trained or played for the last three or four weeks. We have to protect the lad as well.

"(Could he be involved?) Possibly, we'll have to wait and see."