A tennis club marked their 100th anniversary at the weekend by holding a garden party and a plaque unveiling.

Darwen Tennis Club was founded in 1924 and was once one of 14 clubs in the town, according to club chair Pete Aspin.

The club competed for and won numerous trophies and cups in its early years, which are now proudly displayed in Darwen Heritage Centre.

Club chair Pete Aspin unveiling the plaqueClub chair Pete Aspin unveiling the plaque (Image: Pete Aspin)

Speaking about the event on Saturday, July 20, Pete said: “It went really well, the weather was very kind to us.

"We prepared for rain, we had a big gazebo erected on the patio but we didn’t have to use it.

“We had about 60 people or so at the height of it. We ran a competition in the morning, best of three games and there was a little prize for the winning pair at the end of it.

“I unveiled the plaque which is now fixed on the front of the clubhouse commemorating 100 years.

“We had a free buffet for all our guests and we had a special cake made.

“Everybody had a really good time. We went on until teatime then all of the members who wanted to came back in the evening for drinks and karaoke.

“We had people interested in joining who left us their details so it’s generated a bit of interest.”

A garden party was held outside the clubhouseA garden party was held outside the clubhouse (Image: Pete Aspin)

Speaking to the Lancashire Telegraph last week, Pete said he had mixed feelings about the club being the last surviving tennis club in the town.

He said: “It would be great if there was more, then there would be more competition, but I’m proud to be part of the last one standing.”

The club currently has around 25 full adult members, and with memberships starting from as little as £1 a week, and it is hoping to attract more people to the club.

The club always has equipment to lend people who want to give the sport a go and courts can be hired online.

Anyone interested in becoming a member or getting into tennis should contact the club.