Scott Wharton knows exactly how it feels to progress through Rovers’ Academy ranks – and hopes more youngsters can seize their opportunities in pre-season.

Wharton made his senior debut in 2016 and has gone on to rack up more than 100 appearances at Ewood Park.

The defender - who is currently recovering from a knee injury which saw him miss the final games of the season – reckons it is the perfect place for young talent looking to break into senior football.

“Coming through the pathway through the Under-21s and into the first team, I don’t think there is anything better,” he told RoversTV.

“Especially with the squad at the moment and the size of it, it is pretty young and not the biggest of squads so if I was a young lad at this moment in time, I would be thinking, ‘Let’s get my head down and give it my best shot’.

“Coming back for pre-season, the young boys should be looking at that and thinking if Adam and other players like Ash Phillips can do it, why can’t I? They will definitely get opportunities so it is great for them.”

No-one is better proof of Rovers’ strong Academy set-up than Adam Wharton, who has enjoyed a remarkable six months with Crystal Palace and now England.

Scott is currently over in Germany hoping to see his younger brother get some game time at the Euros for the Three Lions.

“I have seen Adam come through the Academy over the years,” he said. “Even when he was six, the way he has progressed and he has always had that natural talent and ability, which is hard to teach.

“He has just got it and I sort of knew this day would come at one point, on the international stage. But the fact he has done it so quickly, I would never have said he’d do that.

“When he left in January, playing 15 Premier League games by the end of the season and getting called up for the Euros is mental. But that is Adam, he takes everything in his stride and deserves it.”

“I taught him everything,” the centre-back joked. “We used to mess about in the garden, me and my brothers, whenever we could.

“He used to join in with my mates who were six years older and would take the mick out of them! I knew from an early age he had the ability so it is great to see.”

Scott was also in attendance at St James’ Park when Adam made his international debut against Bosnia-Herzegovina earlier this month – a proud moment for the Wharton family.

“We were always into sports,” he recalled. “My mum was a PE teacher and my dad has always been sporty.

“Whatever sport it was, they would let us try it and see where it took us – football, cricket, tennis - we have always enjoyed it and it definitely helped us get where we are now.

“Adam is one of those annoying people who can pick up anything! He is naturally gifted.

“We all went up to Newcastle to watch him in the friendly and when he came on for the last half an hour against Bosnia, I couldn’t stop smiling. My missus said I had never smiled as much!

“I felt like a proud dad, it was great to see. He is living a dream, he is riding that wave and hopefully it continues for him.”