THERE is a new breed of bowler on the greens of Blackburn and Darwen - and there isn't a flat cap in sight.

Competent, competitive, committed and good company are the buzz words that describe members of the Blackburn with Darwen Ladies Bowling League.

And, as far as they are concerned, the cap doesn't fit.

"You won't find us wearing flat caps, " said Norah Proos, league treasurer, with reference to the game's image of old men and their choice of headwear. "It's sporty sun visors for the ladies!"

Bowls will never rid its image of attracting the more mature player despite high profile recruitment drives to inject a bit of youth in to the game.

Such schemes have proved to be highly successful in recent years - especially in the East Lancashire area - and many youngsters have taken up the game.

While the ladies league would more than welcome some fresh new young faces, they know the pensionable player will always make up the bulk of their teams.

But that doesn't mean life ends as soon as you pick up a bowl - far from it.

"Bowls is a great sport to be involved in," added Norah, who is also an active member of the Railway Hotel team. "You don't necessarily have to play as there is plenty to do on the sidelines.

"It is a great social gathering whether you are playing, scoring, marking or just brewing up."

Norah says there is a set criteria new players have to meet if they wish to join the league - a moderate level of fitness, available to play on Wednesday evenings, an eye for a bowl and, probably most importantly, a sense of humour.

"We take it seriously because it is a competitive sport. However, we do like to have a laugh and that is something you should never forget."

The league will always welcome younger players but is also looking to attract the recently retired or those who have some spare time on their hands.

"We have had plenty of young players in the league," added Norah. "They are usually children or grandchildren of existing players who turn up, enjoy themselves then head off to university.

"But they will always come back for a game."

The league is looking for new players to join any of its 15 teams playing in two divisions - and players both young and old.

It is a time to replenish the stocks, if you like.

Janet Burke is the president of the league and a team-mate of Norah's at the Railway in Pleasington.

She said: "It can be a bit daunting joining a new team where everyone knows each other. But I suppose that is the same in all walks of life and something you just need to get on with.

"But anyone interested in joining will be made most welcome whatever club they decide to join."

Janet is quick to calm fears that new recruits have to be up to speed with the finer points of the game "It wouldn't be a case of turning up and being thrown straight in to the team. It would be unfair to expect anyone to be able to play Crown Green Bowls to a certain level straight away.

"Depending on their ability, they would be introduced into the game slowly and taught some of the other rules such as marking."

The sport is in a healthy state in the area, something the Blackburn with Darwen Ladies Bowling League demonstrates as it has always been able to maintain two divisions.

As Norah says, there is a Crown Green bowler waiting to get out in everyone.

"Crown Green Bowls is interesting, challenging, enjoyable, skilful and, as any ball game, frustrating!

"It requires concentration and commitment and you will need length, line and luck!

"In return, the game will give you hours of pleasure, fresh air, exercise, camaraderie, team spirit and so much more."

"So come and join us in this wonderful sport and see if there is a Crown Green bowler waiting to get out!"

Anyone interested in joining the league should contact president Janet Burke on 01254 209468.