Well I'm sure we'd all have settled for four points from our first two tricky fixtures.

It's especially heartening to be two points clear of Manchester United having played a game less. Add an adequate if somewhat underwhelming performance against MyPa-47 and only the most ungrateful supporter could be disappointed with our start.

I thought the performance against Arsenal was encouraging, and the way Rovers fought back in the second half after the comedy of errors that gifted Van Persie his seventh goal in seven games against us showed that no opponents are likely to roll us over this season.

The less said about the referee the better but I do want to say that I was disappointed with the cynical tactics of Wenger's team.

Quite rightly Arsenal have been applauded in recent years for playing some cracking football. There's no disguising, however, a less appealing win at all costs' attitude and to see them adopting spoiling and delaying tactics at Ewood once they'd gone 1-0 up when there was still two-thirds of the game remaining was not good to see.

Fortunately, Dunny's shot and Lehmann's fumble ensured that the old refrain of 1-0 to the Arsenal was not to be heard this week at least.

The Ewood faithful got the first chance to see our new striker Roque in the flesh' so to speak (calm down girls!). Despite not scoring, I thought he had an excellent game and led the line very well.

He's a good old fashioned centre forward and his aerial ability stood out. He already seems to have made a good impression in the wider media. But I can't help wondering if this is partly because of his name?

There cannot have been many footballers who provide the headline writers with such a wealth of opportunity for puns.

Take his christian name which can be subtly adapted to Rocky with all the pugilistic and battling qualities that name throws up.

Then we have Santa, which has already given birth to a multitude of christmas and gift references, despite the fact that we're still only in August.

And if he has a good game, of course, he puts Rovers in Cruz control or he might score with a Cruz missile. You can understand why the headline writers prefer him playing up front rather than our other strikers. Try writing a sexy headline with Derbyshire in it!

Anyway, long may Roque keep the headline writers happy.

It was great to see a good crowd for our opener and again I ask if it was simply a coincidence that our equaliser came a short time after the Rovers support made their voices heard and got behind the team for the first time in the game? We really do need to crank up the atmosphere whenever we can.

I believe we suffer from the lack of a unique recognisable song that would belong' to Blackburn Rovers.

No Nay Never has its place but it doesn't quite do it like Walk On or Blue Moon.

Any ideas out there for one we could adopt?

A tough game against Everton at Goodison is up next but then there's no easy games in the Premiership, and it seems to be getting tougher, as last year's champions have already discovered this season.

A repeat of last year's FA Cup result against the Toffees will do nicely thank you.