CHARLIE Mulgrew is a big player for Rovers, not only is he the top scorer but the captain as well so he will be missed with his ankle injury, writes Simon Garner.

But this why you have a squad. And while Tony Mowbray will be hoping he isn’t out for too long, I think he will be confident that someone can come in and do well in his place.

Amari’i Bell impressed on his debut and it is that bit easier to come into a side that is confident and winning games. When the team is struggling players might not be working together and it becomes that bit more difficult.

The way the game was against Northampton, the Rovers full-backs were almost playing like wingers, so he didn’t have to worry about the defensive side of things.

Northampton came with a game-plan and I read about their time-wasting but that’s what you would expect from a team near the bottom. While it was a disappointing and frustrating result it was important that Rovers got something after going behind.

The players will be confident given the run they are on and it was good to see they were able to get back into the game, didn’t let their heads drop and keep plugging away.

That’s what you have to do when you fall behind and the game becomes a bit like attack v defence. You have to stick to your game-plan and try not to do things individually which is what can happen when you get frustrated.

Sometimes you feel as though you’re keeping the ball and not getting anywhere but you have to keep playing like that, and keep believing that sooner or later a good chance will come your way.

Rovers will want to get back into the top two when they play Walsall tonight but I don’t think there’s any added pressure on Mowbray’s men.

They are playing with confidence, the main pressure they are under is to keep this run going and if they can score first tonight then I fancy them to win and put the pressure back on Shrewsbury.

With just 48 hours left of the transfer window I think Tony Mowbray will be pleased with the business he has got done. He’ll now be counting down the hours until it closes and dread his phone ringing because he will want to keep this squad of players together.

He has brought in the players that he wanted and with the way things have gone, and the run they are on, they will be looking forward to the rest of the season.

Five teams have now scored the first goal at Ewood and that makes it even more difficult but Rovers now have more options off the bench and I think they can really help their cause.