How do you rate Burnley’s chances of staying up after Saturday’s win over Manchester City?


Andrew Greenwood

WELL, we’ve given ourselves every chance but it’s okay beating teams like City - we have to beat the Leicesters and Hulls too.

We still have tough games coming up but the performance can only give confidence to the lads.

Yet another team have sacked their manager and we just have to hope that the new manager syndrome doesn’t work for Sunderland as they looked like a team who had given up.

But we just have to concentrate on our game and try to pick up points along the way.


Andrew Kerin

SATURDAY’S win was priceless, not only for the three points but for the self-belief that it will have given the team. 

The change in personnel had a huge impact. It was great to have Michael Duff’s experience back.

We need another 10 points – three wins and a draw - and if we can get somewhere near Saturday’s performance every game we will get them. Money can’t buy our team spirit and if I were a Sunderland fan I would be very worried.

If we can avoid further injuries we have an excellent chance of staying up.


Amer Stansfield-Mushtaq

AS it stands you would say it’s between the Clarets and Sunderland for the final relegation spot.

Hopefully the Mackems’ change of manager has come too late in the season to make a real difference, as it clearly did with Crystal Palace and West Brom.

We need to continue picking up points at this stage so I think we will have a better idea after the two clubs’ next three games.

On paper we have the more difficult games but Saturday proves this team is capable.