Test your sporting knowledge with our daily fun quiz...

1 Swansea City signed now manager Garry Monk from which English club in 2004?

2 Who was Europe’s captain at the controversial ‘Battle of Brookline’ Ryder Cup golf tournament in 1999?

3 Wales wing Alex Cuthbert play his domestic rugby for which club?

4 In what year did Great Britain claim gold in the men’s Winter Olympic ice hockey?

5 Which New York Yankee recently announced he will retire at the end of the season after 19 years in pinstripes?

6 Name the first team captain of Foster's Lancashire League cricket club Burnley?

7 And who did the batting all-rounder replace as skipper of the Turf Moor outfit?

8 Which East Lancashire amateur football club plays its home games at a ground called Griffin Park?

9 Daniel Barritt is an East Lancashire sporting star - but in which sport is he known?

10 Which sporting club was formed after a meeting at the Leger Hotel, Blackburn, on November 5, 1875?

Answers  Monday

Yesterday’s answers 1 Chilean; 2 Bayern Munich and Wolfsburg; 3 Northampton; 4 Nathan; 5 Tampa Bay; 6 Rochdale; 7 Cannes; 8 42; 9 Twelfth; 10 Formby