BLACKBURN may have not played that well on Saturday but at the end of the day they put three points in the bag and that is the main thing.

It’s all about keeping on the shirt tails of the leaders and they did that. As I’ve always said, it doesn’t matter how you win.

If you win ugly, you win ugly.

Blackburn must try and follow it up at Brighton on Saturday.

It’s their last game before the international break and the last thing you want to do is go into it feeling down after getting beat because it can be a long two weeks. Players like Grant Hanley and Jordan Rhodes will go away with their country but for the boys who remain at home there will be a lot of hard work and graft ahead if they lose.

So you’d always rather go into an international break on the back of a win and knowing that the manager is happy.

Gary Bowyer could have a decision to make against Brighton because Grant Hanley is back from his ban.

He’s a key player, he’s shown that, but the question is, do you change a winning side?

I’m sure Gary has looked at it but it’s still too early to say because he could pick a side and tomorrow it’ll be all change because someone may not make it and someone else may pick up a niggling injury in training.

It’s all about the squad today but if you start putting results together and getting them, I don’t believe in changing a team. I think you should keep it going until you see something else that can be added to it.

You might see that by a substitute that comes on or the reaction from someone. You’re always learning as a manager, no matter how you pick your team or how the team goes.

Look at Saturday. Josh King was moved into the centre during the game.

If you put Josh there it means he can go both ways.

I look at Jay Rodriguez earlier on his career. He started off out wide but because of his pace he was put through the middle and he changed his game a little bit.

When you are a one-position player you can be found out sometimes and you don’t see the best of you. Maybe that’s where Josh’s best position may end up being.

But it’s up to himself to progress to that next level.