IN a motorsport career spanning more than 20 years, rallyman Steve Entwistle has won championships, taken outright wins and collected numerous class victories.

But the Rishton driver faces his biggest challenge, starting tonight, when he tackles the bi-annual Rally of the Tests which starts tonight.

The four-day event is a hugely-popular re-creation of RAC Rallies from the 1960’s, with competitors tackling 20 regularities and 30 special tests in a gruelling four days.

First run in 2001, and run every other year since, the ROTT has grown in popularity and now attracts crews from all over Europe.

But for Entwistle, who has contested selected rounds of the HRCR Clubmans Championship this year, the ROTT is a huge undertaking for both his car and his pocket.

“The Rally of the Tests is an event I’ve wanted to compete on ever since it started,” explained Entwistle, who has Cumbrian navigator Bob Hargreaves alongisde.

“I decided 12 months ago that 2013 would be the year I finally achieved my aim, and basically I've spent the last year preparing for it.

“The format means that the rally is, in effect, three HRCR rounds rolled into one, and you have to prepare mentally and physically for it.

“To an outsider, it might look like a load of old cars going on a country run, but nothing could be further from the truth. We are on the go from 8am in the morning until 7pm at night with no let-up.

“It also means that we have to make sure the car, which is 53 years old, can last the distance.”

Entwistle has enjoyed unparalled success with his distinctive ‘Orangebox’ Mini, notching up a whole host of top five finishes and class wins in the iconic ex-Roy Mapple machine.

“It only has 997cc under the bonnet, but we manage to surprise quite a few people with our pace!” added Steve.

“I’ve spent the last few months making sure the car complies with the strict regulations governing our class, which is for pre-1962 cars under 1500cc.

“We’ve had to do things like changing the brakes, which were later Cooper S brakes for the proper period ones. They don’t stop the car as well, but at least we’ll pass the strict scrutineering.

“I’m under no illusions about how tough this is going to be. But my aim is to finish, anything else on top will be a bonus.”