I MUST admit I’ve had better weekends. It was frustrating not being involved, and I felt a bit guilty – like I’d let everyone down – because of getting into a situation where I was handed a two-match ban after comments I made about a referee on Twitter.

I can’t condone my actions but it makes you realise the impact of social media.

I suppose I’m a role model in a way, being a sportsman and playing for my local team, but it was in a conversation with a school friend so not a direct tweet.

However, it was picked up on and highlighted to the league.

There’s no excuse though, I was in the wrong and I had to accept the punishment and get on with it.

But it made for a tough weekend.

Saturday was especially frustrating.

We didn’t play well at all at home to Sutton and it was hard to watch.

We had a short bench, probably only about two lines, but that was no excuse for the way we played.

It is hard when you’ve not got a lot of bodies but we didn’t look interested on Saturday.

We played better at Billingham on Sunday, so at least there was a response in terms of performance and attitude and putting right a lot of the wrongs in that sense.

We just can’t put the puck away at the minute. We’re getting into the right positions but we’re maybe not shooting when we should be or trying to thread an extra pass through at times.

But I’d be more worried if we weren’t getting the chances.

Hopefully it’s just a phase we’ve been going through and we can snap out of it this weekend at home to Telford.

We beat them 10-0 last time, and we could do with a similar scoreline again. It’s must win now.

They’ve not had a great start but we’ve got to improve and show the league that we aren’t going to roll over and die.

We haven’t won since having a free weekend. We drew our first game back against Sheffield and we’ve lost the next three.

It’s possibly psychological. Our confidence has been knocked but we know what we’re doing wrong and working hard on putting it right.

We hope to be back to more or less full strength this weekend too.

I suppose the only good thing to come from my ban was being able to rest a back injury I’d suffered at work last Monday. I trained on Thursday but it wasn’t great, so not being able to play probably did me a bit of a favour.

I’m back in contention for the weekend though and I’m sure I’ll come back stronger, and the team can bounce back from this bad run.