ELECTRICAL problems short-circuited Daniel Boardman's bid for a class win on the Grizedale Stages.

"We did the local event as a round up for the end of the season," explained the Ribchester driver.

"We struck a last minute deal with Autobreakers, which enabled us to enter the event, and we had a great start to the rally.

"The car felt good and we were dancing through the first stage in great form until an electrical fault immobilised the car half way through.

"We managed to get it going again to rejoin the Trophy rally, but then suffered a drive shaft failure on stage five.

"It was the worst luck we have had on a rally, but we have had a lot of success this year, so I suppose it is expected at some time; we still learned a lot and have a positive outlook for next year."

"We took two Autobreakers staff members up to the rally as part of the team and gave them an insight into the exciting world of rallying."

Last weekend's Grizedale was the last event for Boardman's first rally car, his Peugeot 205GTi He plans to enter the 2007 British Rally Championship in a new car and is in talks with local businesses who use the team as a marketing tool.