JOHN Coleman has revealed his frustrations in the transfer market after missing out on new signings because of their wage demands.

The Stanley boss has been close to signing a couple of new players, including Aaron McLean, who opted for Peterborough when he moved from Gray's Athletic.

But Coleman said that he wanted players who had a desire to wear the red shirt and not be motivated by money - sometimes just a couple of hundred pounds a week.

He said: "If a player is driven by money then they're probably not the player for me.

"I want players who want to play football. For the passion and to further their careers.

"If we can pay them accordingly then great, but I need players who will go out there and die for us."

But Coleman said the club, whose yearly wage for a player is roughly half the League Two average, would have to up the ante to attract better players but the business of wheeling and dealing wasn't straight forward.

He added: "It's not an easy as saying if Eric gives me X amount more to spend on the wage bill and X amount to spend on a transfer fee.

"If he gave me £250,000 to buy a player, who is going to want to come to a League Two side for £250,000?

"If I was a player worth £250,000, I wouldn't want to come to a League Two side.

"I'd be looking to play higher. The attraction then becomes the wages and we have to be able to compete.

"This club has gone nothing but upwards in the last two years.

"There are clubs in the north west who have stagnated now we want our forward thrust going and keep going upwards."