TWO second half goals by high flying Curzon Ashton denied Nelson any reward, despite a good battling display from the home side.

The Blues matched the visitors throughout the game, but failed to put away their chances.

Dave Gray shot straight at the visiting keeper in a one-on-one confrontation after 34 minutes and in the second half Wayne Morrison, Kevin Richardson and Jason Jones all came close to giving Nelson the lead.

But in an end to end game, Curzon always looked capable of getting a goal, and after 65 minutes Chris Worsley scored from close range after Nick Allen had seen his shot blocked by Nelson keeper Bobby Harris.

Nelson had a let off when David Birch's free kick came back off the bar and post before rebounding to safety.

But they were caught out as they pushed forward in the closing minutes when Michael Norton broke from the half way line and crossed low into the goalmouth for Chris Holt to fire in Curzon's second goal.