I know times are tough and we are all trying to save money but seven pence for a Valentines card?

When I heard Asda were selling these cards I thought it was joke. Only a crazy man on a death wish would be brave enough to take that home to his other half.

But having thought about it a little I have decided it is actually a good idea.

Some time back, walking in with a gift worth less than 99 pence would have led to World War Three.

In 2012 anything can be better than a text or an e-card.

In fact I would go as far to say if you came home with a seven pence card you should be commended for having gone to all the trouble.

Yes, I know the whole ‘it is thought that counts’ thing was invented by the bloke who forgot to buy anything on Valentine’s and made his wife a cup of tea.

But why can’t the ‘thought count’ for once?

Why does the ‘thought’ never ever get a mention anymore.

Years ago ‘the thought’ was right up there with… ‘Bless him at least he tried’ and ‘That’s so sweet.’ I have found something spectacular for those wanting to impress their ladies this Valentines.

It is called the ‘Fish Tea Cake’.

I was queuing at the Ocean Chippy on Whalley Banks. Blackburn and overheard people ordering this ‘Fish Tea Cake’.

Basically it is a fish folded in half and banged in to a tea cake. I’d never heard of this before.

We are talking the whole fish here people. Not a fish cake but the whole fish. And if you want to put a dab of tomato sauce on it then so be it.

In the past I had eaten a homemade fish tea cake from the Hake Boat (which I must say is awesome too…) but this was the whole fish!

At the age of 38 I thought I had actually discovered everything there was to discover so something like this can throw you a little.

Seven pence cards move over…this Valentine’s is going is going to be extra special.

And boy, is this thought really going to count!