IT is excellent news that women in East Lancashire are to benefit from new advances in breast-screening technology.

Since the ‘mobile mammogram’ service was introduced 20 years ago, it has helped save countless lives through early diagnosis.

But things can, of course, always work better and advances in technology have allowed the service to now improve immeasurably.

The new mobile breast-screening system will deliver quicker results and help save more lives.

The health trust should be praised for leasing the machines.

In a time of austerity, it would have been difficult to find £3million to pay for one of the scanners.

But by leasing the items for a fraction of the price, bosses are able to save tax-payers money and have the option to trade up in the future when new advances are made in the technology.

The best thing of all for women across East Lancashire is that the new system will mean quick results.

Experts have already said that the devices are picking up things that couldn’t be seen with the old mammograms.

And if cancer detection rates improve, then it’s a major benefit.