BARRY Kilby’s term as chairman of Burnley FC has been defined by the word ‘stability’.

He has brought a period of success to the club that had not been seen for decades and put the club on a even financial keel.

At times he has been seen as cautious but the healthy state of the balance books is largely down to his work.

The Clarets have stayed afloat when many other similar-sized clubs have reached the brink of going out of business.

He has been generous in pumping his own money into the club and has been astute at picking local people and successful businessmen, like himself, to sit in the boardroom alongside him.

He has put the football club before anything in his life, and Clarets fans have benefited.

Many supporters will worry about what the future holds but one thing is for sure, local management for the Clarets has proved highly successful in recent years.

Mr Kilby has now quit to focus on his health and everyone associated with football in East Lancashire will wish him the best of luck for the future.