TO turn the concept of Blackburn Youth Zone into bricks-and-mortar reality in just 18 months is an achievement that cannot be over-exaggerated.

But it isn’t merely a building (albeit one with unique town centre youth facilities) which makes this project such an exciting one for the borough.

The Youth Zone holds out a real prospect, as its chairman Andrew Graham says, of being ‘absolutely life changing’ for the youngsters who use it.

Mr Graham, amongst others, deserves an enormous pat on the back for his dynamic contribution.

There is nowhere else in the town where young people can gather in a safe and supervised way and take part in various activities which will enable them to develop and open new doors of opportunity.

More than 50 volunteer staff members have already been found and that’s important too.

They are people who are giving their time because they want to help youngsters explore what life can offer.

Even yesterday the volunteers’ enthusiasm was evident.

Equally important in this part of East Lancashire is the fact that the Youth Zone will bring together teenagers from different parts of town and different backgrounds.

They will mix naturally in an informal setting and that will break down barriers – a vital feature for future community cohesion.