FORMER Regimental Sergeant Major James Alan Beet is an inspiration to us all.

At the age of 84 he has just graduated from Blackburn College’s University Centre with a well-earned degree in Fine Art.

As the oldest person to ever gain the qualification from the centre, he really does prove the point ‘you’re never too old to learn’.

And he has still not hung up his gown and mortar board, as he now plans to take a post-graduate teaching qualification so he can teach art therapy in care homes.

Mr Beet says that he has lived a colourful life and been fortunate to travel the world over.

During his career with the army, he has been involved in some truly historic moments, including the lowering of the Union Flag in Fort William, Calcutta, to mark the end of the British Raj.

He also helped co-ordinate the transport of ammunitition on a train from Palestine to Egypt despite the constant threat that it would be derailed and robbed by bandits.

All this while working his way up from the rank of private.

It is great that he has now achieved so much after retiring.

We wish him well with his latest studies and hope he will be an example to all those thinking of going back into education.