I’m going to meet the Queen, I boasted. ‘Give her my salaams’ came the reply.

It is strange that despite how depressing things can get we all still love her majesty.

I’m not exactly sure what we would do without her?

Last week I wasn’t here at my desk because I was basking in the reflected glory of someone else who was picking up a Queens Award.

Now, I have been to the palace before but what struck me this time round was how people’s manners change as soon as they step into the place. From being a rude loud mouthed ignoramus one becomes slightly more upmarket and starts talking down at other people.

I for one couldn’t help it and even managed to change my whole accent. And when I eventually met the Queen I think even she muttered ‘Who on earth does this guy think he is?’ This didn’t surprise me as such as my own wife thinks I have a tendency to ignore people when they are talking to me.

Many a time I walk past people without even saying ‘hello’. Other times I about to say hello and then decide it might end in a long conversation and cross the road to avoid the person. Then realise the other person has crossed the road too in the hope of avoiding me. Back in the palace The Duke of Kent was a jolly bloke and so was this other Royal fellow who was part of the household but had not been on TV so we didn’t exactly know who he was.

As for the palace itself it is grand yes. And having spotted a chair we thought it must be the throne. It turned out it was just a posh chair.

And whilst I have been away it seems nothing has changed in the world. The TV news channels seem to be obsessed with the hacking story. And the radio and newspapers offer little respite from the story.

We know it is payback time but as with most things it has run its course now give it a rest. Famine in Africa, people dying and we are getting a new angle on the hacking tale every day.