THIS weekend two youngsters had a lucky escape when they were hit by cars while playing in the street.

Both children suffered injuries in the accidents, with one of them left needing hospital treatment.

But it could have been much worse.

At this time of year, when the schools are breaking up and the long summer holidays loom, it is vital that all parents make sure their children are aware of the dangers on our streets.

It is too easy for a child to get caught up in a game and not think about the consequences of rushing out in front of a passing car.

And drivers, especially in residential areas, need to be constantly vigilant for kids playing in or by the side of the road. They also need to keep their speed down so that they have time to react should a youngster rush into the road.

What would be best is for parents to take their youngsters to the nearest park to blow of steam in a safe environment.

And when this can’t happen they need to keep a close eye on them when they are playing out.

No-one wants to see a tragedy this summer, and with just a bit of effort, mums and dads and motorists can ensure their little ones enjoy a good holiday while staying safe.