RATS in Blackburn town centre are a difficult problem to tackle.

Unlike many other towns and cities, there are miles of waterways culverted under the streets, providing a perfect home for the vermin.

Many organisations must devote much effort, and expense, to keep them at bay.

Blackburn Cathedral obviously does not want an infestation.

It is also very disappoint-ing to see bins overflowing with rubbish in Witton Park in Blackburn.

The local council has admitted that it cannot empty the bins as much as it could in the past, which is the last thing people want to hear.

One of the main reasons for rats coming to the surface is litter. Most people, we hope, do not want to litter.

In fact, in Witton Park people have not just been dumping rubbish anywhere, the bins are overflowing.

We do not want a situation whereby rat numbers increase.

But do public spending cuts mean this will happen more and in more towns across our region?

Our town centres must be kept clean and we all have a part to play in that.