A SECOND World War event will bring back memories for thousands of people this weekend.

East Lancashire Railway is staging its 1940s weekend featuring mock battles in the street, military vehicles and wartime songs.

But the ELR has been contacted by a number of people who were upset to see some people wearing Nazi and SS uniforms at previous events.

Now bosses are barring visitors from dressing up in Nazi costumes amid concerns that it could offend Holocaust survivors.

It is easy to understand the logic behind the decision as older residents in Rossendale will remember when Hitler's Luftwaffe dropped bombs on Ramsbottom, Stubbins and Rawtenstall during the Blitz.

And Jewish people in the area will never forget the genocide of six million Jews during the Seond World War by the Nazi regime.

The last thing they want to see are SS soldiers goose-stepping their way around the streets of Rossendale.

Obviously the event has been organised so people can have a really good time and for some it may seem an overreaction.

But out of respect, people should stick with the ruling so it doesn’t spoil the weekend for others.