My Mum’s not doing too good…but she’s told me some funny stories about Bill the little boy.

Seemingly at the age of three in Leeds I decided I was ready for school, so I went.

On a walk back from the Post Office with my Gran, I just announced it and set off through the playground.

Seemingly my teacher never to be was very sympathetic and told me I wasn’t quite ready but showed me round, where I might sit etc.; much to my Gran’s embarrassment with her natural awe of authority.

There was also another time when confronted by a large lady emerging from the water at Portobello’s open lido in Edinburgh (where my Gran lived) I shouted “Gran, that lady’s lungs have fallen out”!

I’m told too that I called the card game Patience, “Doctors and Nurses”!

When a little older I’d worked out that the rivers of Britain were numbered. Well, we had the Forth and the Severn, didn’t we?

It’s a shame I didn’t keep this notion until I was exposed to algebra…I’d have had the Exe, Wye and Dee too, wouldn’t I!

My two have had their moments too:- Computers were called “six-sevens” (study your qwerty key board), motorways were “noisys” (self explanatory) and grandparents were little and big – not to do with their size but the comparative lengths of journeys to Bolton and Brum.

What can you recall from your childhood, your children’s or others growing up around you?

Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings…