I come from a family of baldies. Well, not all of them were bald, but somewhere down the line one of my ancestors was the first to go bald.

I actually do wonder how it must have been for him and what the horror of losing his hair might have felt like?

He was probably in a field somewhere eating his rotee (chapatti) and felt a cold breeze sweep over his head.

Ever since that breeze there has been a long of line us who have seen our hairline receding as we close in on the forty mark.

Now, for close to 38 years I have managed to get away with quite a lot because I had some good hair on my head.

People tend to treat you a lot differently if you have some hair.

This is especially true in restaurants. I can guarantee you the bloke with some hair on his head gets his food quicker than a bald person.

I am not anti-bald or anything, but I kind of sense that things are not going to be the same in a couple of years.

I actually enjoy combing my hair but now people tell me I have a ‘bald patch’ developing.

I can’t see it but it is there somewhere.

When I was younger a relation of mine came to my house.

He was completely bald but then a week a later he had some hair.

He had imported a wig from Pakistan and thought no-one would notice he suddenly had a full head of hair.

The only problem was the wig came in lighter shade of brown and his beard was black.

This minor issue didn’t matter to this fellow because he finally had some hair on his head again.

At the time I laughed at him and so did everyone else.

And every time we saw anyone with a strange haircut his name would pop-up.

Years later I actually know what that bloke was going through.

He was losing something special and wanted to make amends and couldn’t care less what he looked like.

Anyone got a blond wig?