OF the many golden rules in life, ‘if it ain’t broke, then don’t fix it’ has to be my favourite.

In recent weeks we have seen a new set of traffic routes being planned in Blackburn.

Now, on the whole you can’t complain about how things are panning out.

But every so often we get one-ways going the wrong way, and roundabouts where we don’t need them.

In some streets speed bumps are needed.

But I am pretty certain some fellow is making a killing out of putting them where they are not.

Here’s a simple solution – use the speed bump ‘tar’ and fill the holes in the road.

I am also still trying to come to terms with those traffic lights in Preston Old Road.

Whose bright idea was that?

On one of the busiest routes in and out of town we have a set of lights to allow all that traffic out of the athletics track.


Then there is the plan to reverse the traffic on King Street.

Look, we as people of this town and its surrounding areas want to be able to drive into the town centre.

Is it too much too ask?

Why on earth am I going to have to drive like an idiot through streets I have no intention of visiting to get from one side of the town to the other?

This all reminds me of giving a haircut to someone and, after a while, you realise you need to cut a little from each side to even things up.

Before you know, you reach the point of no return and shave the whole head!

Yes, I like it when it goes to plan and we get three lanes instead of two, and they finally change the priority of the lights on the busy routes.

But must we have a cycle and bus lane lane to everything?

I used to cycle a lot and have nothing against cyclists, but this madness has to stop.

I kind of get the feeling that someone is getting some sort of kick out of making our lives miserable.