EVEN in comparatively friendly East Lancashire, too many people have little involvement with their neighbours and neighbourhoods.

After work, they close the front door on those around them.

There have been lots of calls for a greater team spirit in towns and villages, not least from the Prime Minister with his much-vaunted ‘Big Society’.

The actions of Burnley College student Jack Hayhurst when he saw someone smashing windows close to a friend’s house should be an example to us all.

He confronted the offender even though he thought he had a metal bar.

It turned out to be a meat cleaver which was swung at his head.

Now Jack has rightly been honoured for his quick-thinking and bravery.

Officially, police frequently discourage people from ‘having a go.’ But modest Jack said: “When you live in a small community you’ve got to look out for each other.

It’s just the way I was brought up.”

What a marvellously refreshing attitude.

How much better the world would be if we all had such sentiments.