OPINIONS vary on how traumatic it is, according to personal experience of the mix of joy and pain.

And half the population will never be able to pass judgement anyway, for the simple reason that they are men.

But there can be no doubt that childbirth is one of the biggest highlights in human life – and one that everyone wants to ensure is as pleasurable as it can be.

For that reason, there is likely to be enormous interest in the 18-month NHS trial study at Blackburn and Burnley’s new birthing centres of the effectiveness of ‘hypno-birthing’ on 800 first-time mothers.

The idea is that mums-to-be will be taught how to hypnotise themselves before giving birth, as a natural alternative to costlier treatments involving epidurals, ‘laughing gas’ or morphine.

This is a trial and the benefits have yet to be proved on any scale.

But if it works and proves successful, it should be offered as an alternative rather than a substitute for drugs, which some mums may continue to prefer for pain relief.

Choice and not cost must remain the key in childbirth.