THE new Freedom Bill has been described as one of the biggest changes to civil liberties in recent years.

And it should mean an end to the ridiculous notion that a parent giving a lift to a kids’ football team has to have a criminal records check.

The unhealthy culture that has developed in this country of viewing any adult that loves working with children with suspicion is unhelpful.

CRB checks are necessary for people working with youngsters but we have too many people put off from volunteering and getting involved in the community for fear of being branded a pervert.

Safeguards will remain in place to protect those who need protecting but now, for example, DNA of innocent people will not be stored and use of CCTV will be reviewed. ID cards have also now been officially dropped.

Anti-terrorism legislation is also to be looked at, which must find the right balance between protecting the public, strengthening social cohesion and protecting civil liberties.

Of course, all of this is about balance, and children should not be placed at risk.

But let us hope that with these changes, they have got it right.