WHILE I have many things to say to many people, I don’t want to share them with everyone every day.

Take, for instance, this thing called ‘Twitter’. In the beginning, I really did think this was a great idea.

Of course, I never took joined up to it but I sensed it was good to know what people were up to.

What a fantastic idea, eh? You tell people all your thoughts and in return they ‘follow you’.

Then I actually started reading the ‘tweets’. My god were they boring!

Even the celebrity tweets were tedious, repetitive and dare I say it, ‘ordinary’.

It became a wasteland of inane chatter and views which made no real sense or any real point.

Somehow having to debate every single idea and thought does not appeal to some of us.

Now, I love technology and all those things that go with it. But I don’t want to tell people anything.

In fact I would rather not tell them how my week went, what I thought of the recent fad and where I ate.

There is a whole society in techno-land somewhere which is making all the decisions and the rest of us on planet reality are being left behind.

Oh yes, I want to be completely cool and a guru in techno-land but I know I would somehow end up having to stand in the corner having my cola whilst everyone else has jolly good time.

There is something not quite right when I see people tapping away on their phones when you go to visit them at their home.

Just last week I was sat in a room with several people and everyone else was on their iPhone updating their profiles and tweeting.

For a moment I felt quite annoyed and then worried they might be writing about me and my receding hairline, 12-year-old jacket or the way I dunked my custard creams all the way into the tea.

And as much as I don’t want to tell anyone, I don’t want to hear it either.

I hate those folk who come up to you and talk about ‘Facebook’ and ‘Twitter’ as if it is something we should all be a part of.

And just because you are not does not makes you some sort of outcast.

Well, I love being the outcast now.