THE behaviour of the men who drove their Land Rovers to Darwen Tower in the pitch dark was nothing short of idiotic.

Their reckless actions in the early hours of yesterday led to 26 mountain rescue volunteers being called out, two helicopters and several police officers.

Having got to the landmark, the men became stuck in a bog on the way down and then became disorientated.

Their 999 call sparked a five-hour rescue operation in appalling weather which cost several thousand pounds.

At a time of savage cuts, to have to waste money on something like this was truly deplorable.

The eight men illegally drove up bridleways at a time when no walker would even contemplate climbing the hill.

Not only did they put themselves in danger, they also put the lives of their rescuers, who had to comb the moorland in torrential rain, at risk.

Hopefully, the experience will be enough to put them off doing something similar again.

But what would be a real deterrent is forcing them to pay the full cost of their rescue together with a hefty fine.