Citizens Advice Bureaux have proved their worth over the years in helping people with all kinds of legal, welfare and debt advice.

Yesterday, the network’s chief executive warned of ‘devastating’ closures around the country because the service could be looking at a 45% cut in funding as a result of local and central government cash cuts.

In Burnley and Pendle, for example, cuts totalling more than £36,000 have to be made and in Burnley the existing CAB office is to shut in favour of smaller premises.

In Pendle, organisers are worried that grant cuts will be particularly difficult in Barnoldswick.

Over the coming months a wide variety of local authority and government services will be axed or slimmed down, unemployment is rising and benefits are also being reorganised in a way which will hit many families and individuals.

All of these reductions will put people under real financial pressure.

Citizens Advice Bureaux exist to guide people and help them find a way out of the very problems that cuts will bring.

That role should be remembered by authorities making cuts and some priority should be given to ensuring that CABs survive to minimise misery for victims.