WATCHING a child being hit by a car is an horrendous ordeal for any parent.

Michaela Glover feared the worst when she saw her three-year-old boy knocked over just yards from her home.

Fortunately, little Kalim Shah escaped with arm and shoulder injuries and cuts and bruises.

But the incident highlights how vulnerable our children are, especially when out playing in the street without close adult supervision.

That is why police have launched a campaign to raise awareness about the dangers youngsters face if they play around cars.

It comes after figures revealed eight children, aged three to nine, have been involved in serious collisions in Burnley, Pendle and Rossendale since April.

Speed limit zones have also been implemented across Burnley and Pendle and schools are taking part in road safety programmes before they break up for the summer holidays.

Hopefully these measures will help educate motorists, parents and children to the dangers posed by roads.