Quickly glossing over the 'football'...I was in Liverpool last week.

Had a chance for a quick wander around Albert Dock. Hadn’t been since taking the kids as little ones to the museum there, when Fred the Weatherman used to leap onto that floating British Isles!

I bought some postcards and penned a few to some pals.

A guy approached me. “Are you local mate?”

“Sorry, no.”

“I used to bring ships into here,” he disclosed proudly, “right up into the 1970s”.

“How come the Beatles Museum charges to go round?” he asked. “Aren’t they our common heritage, what made Liverpool great after the ships?”

“It someone’s business now.” I offered.

He went on his way, I finished my card writing. Considered a coffee.

Albert Dock seemed serene and proud. Shops, bars, restaurants, the Tate now.

I’d visited the Anglican Cathedral the night before. Again serene and proud and huge! (Largest in UK, 5th in the World, they say).

Where do you like sitting and reflecting? Any favourite cities, buildings, museums? Were you there when such places were still enjoying their former glories?