The best way to reach Formby point from East Lancashire is via the M6, and the M58.

At the end of the M58 follow the signs for Southport along the A59. Turn left at a sign indicating Formby. Follow the National Trust signs to the car park for which there is a fee.

This area is at its best in the late autumn and winter because there is a reserve for red squirrels which were introduced many years ago. But most people think that this is the best place in England to see this increasingly rare species. At the car park you are given an explanatory leaflet and you can buy bags of food which to feed the squirrels.

There is a squirrel trail which can be followed and this is the place to feed the animals.

Most of the route is easily suitable for prams and wheelchairs whilst dogs are welcome if kept on a lead. It should be remembered that the squirrels can be seen at their best during winter when they are hungry in the cold weather. Squirrels never hibernate and their breeding period can begin as early as February.

Because red squirrels prefer conifer woods there is never any undergrowth below the trees. This means that the squirels are easily observed.

If you have never seen red squirrels at close quarter then this visit will never ever disappoint you.