NOW we all know politicians are just a little two-faced.

Well, maybe it's the job that makes them that way, but I've a feeling quite a few of us also fall into that bracket.

A lot of us tend to sit in judgment, smugly telling ourselves that we know best, me included. But do we?

In our conversations we talk about them,' them of course being that young unmarried mother, those lads who hang around in gangs, the unemployed, refugees, asylum seekers.

We smile knowingly at each other like we know all the answers, all the solutions; how can we? For do we really know the problems?

We, the fortunate ones of the older generations, were brought up with strong guidelines.

If you got a smack at school, went home and told your dad, you got another one.

We were taught right from wrong, had a neighbourhood, families that would look down on us if we brought shame on ourselves and them.

All was more or less black and white.

Sadly this doesn't apply today, for now there is no shame, no pride, therefore no standards to maintain.

We are in the age of anything goes, boundaries of manners, behaviour and language, have been pushed back so far that in a lot of cases have completely dropped off the edge.

So, what to do? Do we shrug our shoulders, shake our heads, and accept it?

Even though in our hearts we think it's not right?

And that all this freedom' is bad for our country and its young folk, and not the way we should be going.

Or should we wait for the pendulum to swing? For things to come a full circle?

No, that may be too late; we must all press on doing what we can, where we can.

A few of us were modelling at the Wednesday Grant a Wish lunch. We had a laugh and needless to say I and most of the others ended up buying some of the clothes we had worn.

In the evening I had a lovely time with the Great Harwood Mothers, no, not Mothers' Union, just a group of lovely women who meet for companionship.

As I go about meeting these various groups of people, it becomes obvious that what most people want, need and really value is company, companionship and good friends. But then don't we all? Over the years we meet many people and have lots of acquaintances, but real true friends are few, so we must cherish them.

Sunday, and the English summer is here, now that's official because I've been to a garden party and it rained.

Aren't food and drink such big pleasures? Now why am I saying that? Because I'm still dieting.

A good friend came to see me the other day with some tablets. Look' she said, you're saved, these are bullet proof guaranteed to slim you whilst you sleep. Should I get you some. Oh yes please I'll take them, then you can wake me up when I'm a size 10.