I hate boasting, but I'm incredibly privileged that my job infinitely outranks that of poor Mr Blair.

And I'd hate to be demoted to Mr Bush's menial post.

They scamper about the Titanic moving deckchairs.

On the other hand, a preacher's joy is to lead those who'll listen to safety in this world and the next.

Politicians tinker with the superficial, failing to reach those vital parts of humanity that only faith can satisfy and guide.

For example, Wales University reveals this week that youngsters with no faith have such low self-esteem that one in four of them has contemplated suicide.

Prof Francis explained that physical and mental health must go hand in hand with spiritual health, to help youngsters develop good relations with self, others, the environment and with the transcendent (God and all that).

Is this, I wonder, why Mr Blair's babes haven't stopped the arrival of teen babes?

His £150million plan to cut the number of teenage pregnancies today lies in ruins.

Preachers were mocked for criticising the idiotic strategy of freebie morning-after pills, condoms and do-sex-safely classes.

Forget the spiritual side in our kids lives (and our own) and we simply propel this titanic planet of ours into even greater icebergs.

Last week, the good old C of E urged Mr B to develop a spiritual dimension in its flagship Every Child Matters agenda.

For our children's sake, for God's sake and ours, I pray they will.